Career: Internet Philosopher, Technologist, Co-Author ‘The Cluetrain Manifesto’
Other: He really hates writing or talking about himself (especially in 3rd person!)
Hometown: Born in NYC, lives with his wife and three children in Bosten, USA
Photocredits: Francesco Piasentin
Dr. David Weinberger is a technologist, author, professional speaker and commentator. David’s work focuses on how the Internet is changing human relationships, communication, and society. He is co-author of bestselling “The Cluetrain Manifesto”, author of “Small Pieces Loosely Joined – a Unified Theory of the Web”, “Everything is Miscellaneous – the Power of the New Digital Disorder”, and the recently (01/2012) “Too Big to Know: Rethinking Knowledge Now That the Facts Aren’t the Facts, Experts Are Everywhere, and the Smartest Person in the Room Is the Room”
His one-person strategic marketing company, Evident Marketing, helps high-tech companies figure out what their products can be and how they can talk about them.
David was a gag writer for the comic strip “Inside Woody Allen” (1976-1883), holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy and taught in college. He became a marketing consultant and executive at several high-tech companies, and currently serves as a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School, where he co-teaches a class on “The Web Difference”.
He had the title Senior Internet Advisor to Howard Dean’s 2004 presidential campaign, and provided technology policy advice to John Edwards’ 2008 presidential campaign. He is on a lot of industry boards and committees, including AIIM`s Emerging Technology Advisory Group, the Seybold Conference Advisory Board, the KMWorld 99 Advisory Board, the Xplor Marketspace Advisory Board and Instinctive Technology’s Advisory Board. He is very active in the politics of trying to keep the internet open and free.
David has written for a wide variety of magazines, including Wired, The New York Times and gives talks around the world.
The Cluetrain Manifesto is a set of 95 theses organized and put forward as a manifesto for all businesses. The ideas put forward within the manifesto aim to examine the impact of the Internet on both markets and organizations. The manifesto suggests that the changes that will be required from organizations as they respond to the new marketplace environment. The Cluetrain Manifesto was written in 1999 by Rick Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls and David Weinberger. A printed publication was published in 2000.
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Other articles/links/videos:
library lab:
“Hab Geduld!” on the Cluetrain-Manifesto (aktuelle Ausgabe brandeins 02/2012)
Video: The Berkman Center David Weinberger on What Information was
Video: Everything is Miscellaneous – Talking to David Weinberger