99FACES is a website and video-platform introducing movers, thinkers, innovators, visionaries and changemakers in short interviews.

99FACES was founded 2010 in Berlin by Elisabeth Stangl, in order to give the most fascinating and inspirational “faces” she meets a platform and to share insights and integrate with her network.

The featured personalities represent a cross-section of Elisabeth’s focus areas of media, culture, science and entrepreneurship.

See also post “Welcome to my Vlog”.

About Elisabeth:

Elisabeth is an independent media and business consultant based in Berlin and Munich. She promotes worldwide creative and entrepreneurial potential by initiating platforms and advising companies in their business development.

She started 99Faces to introduce and share ideas of fascinating “faces” she works with or meets at locations and events such as MIT, LeWeb, DLD, the World Economic Forum, TED, SIME, Falling Walls Conference, World Human Forum (Delphi) or even in a Tibetan Community in Himalaya.

With a background in International Culture / Business Studies and an MBA in Media Management she founded her first company in 1996, has worked in PR & Marketing in Investment Banking and has also dedicated some years to her passion as a film director of documentaries in science. Since 1999 she incubated various international conferences for clients such as German Publisher’s Association, Art Directors Club, Einstein Foundation (Falling Walls Conference), Christiane zu Salm/ Frankfurt Book Fair (THE ARTS+ Conference and Fair) or global events and trainings for companies in the private sector such as Otto Bock HealthCare. 2009 she expanded her portfolio as a business- and start-up-advisor (e.g. www.keeeb.com), linking creatives with the vibrant VC-, media- and entrepreneurial scene for clients including UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) or The Federation of German Newspaper Publishers (BDZV).

As a speaker and moderator at Ars Electronica, DMEXCO, official Apple Events,  NEXT Conference, Sonophilia Retreat, Karajan Music Tech Conference, Future Summit, Vision Summit, Salon Mondaine, host at the Art Directors Club and School of Management and Innovation as well as her close links to some of the world’s leading conference makers, Elisabeth has a worldwide network of experts that she extends continuously and shares with her clients. A visual clipping of some of her activities can be found at https://me.keeeb.com/elisabeth/elisabeth_stangl/.

Besides cooking, running, yoga and nature, she is devoted to triads such as world-soul-god or knowledge-ethics-faith.

XING Profile
LinkedIn Profile
Keeeb Profile
Twitter: EStangl


Email: elisabeth [at] 99faces [dot] tv


99FACES was realized with fantastic help and guidence of my very cool friends

Thomas Schinabeck (concept website and design)
Anna-Zoë Schmidt
(video editing)
Thomas Weyres, Marcus Herrmann (art direction and website programming)
Notic Nastic (music)
Uwe Stuehler (web hosting)


  1. Penpa says:

    It is most pleasure to know this website and it is a completely new word website to me and i think she has incredibly done it fantastically. I really appreciate for her new website which means completely and miraculous job she has done and i am hoping for the best of her venture and all the best in every venture she will take in the future and she has done fantastically superb and i love ths 99face book and i am going to initiate to this website to spread all to my friends with love PEnpa

  2. Best wishes.

    G N Viswanath

  3. Farah says:

    wow! great platform!

  4. valyne stanley says:

    Never knew what the 99faces was all about, the name came to me so i had to do a lil research on it and i think my research ends here. Perherps this is a nice platform, what ever hand that inspired Elizabeth to create this platform is a good hand, thus, this is a kind of creativity the society needs, create more, inspire the world the most. Thanks. Valyne

  5. Angus Forbes says:

    Fascinating and exciting!

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