Welcome to my Vlog0
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As the editor of this Vlog (Video-Blog) I want to shortly introduce myself and my motivations behind it. Me, that’s Elisabeth Stangl, since 1995 Media Consultant and Entrepreneur with a background in Cultural Science, Business Administration and Media. I am German, originally from the beautiful green outskirts south of Munich (Bavaria) but living and working mainly from Berlin. Here I enjoy the vibrant cultural live while hardly being able to follow the fast growing start-up and media scene of Berlin.
See also section “About”
I am curious about change, innovation and people that shape the future. Impressed when these follow their heartbeat and contribute to society at large. I follow my passion by connecting and providing a forum to great movers, thinkers, creatives, entrepreneurs, artists, scientists and people that have or might have an impact on the future.
With 99FACES I want to share the thinking of these people with a wider audience and trigger discussions around their ideas.
My passion comes to life through providing platforms that bring these thought leaders together. This is primarily in the form of seminars, lectures, workshops and conferences – and now this video-platform. Also I advise companies in the media as well as the non-profit sector with business planning and development.
In short: My focus is on projects that bring people from various disciplines together. All with a mindset of challenging conventions and creating a change.